Love Rising: Becoming Spiritually Connected to the Universe (video) In this video I talk about the enlightened potential of the human consciousness and and how we can stray from our true source and lose our connection to spirit and… By Briana | June 12th 2020
Opening Your Heart Meditation (video) This meditation has created life changing effects with my clients. By opening our heart we can attract love, allow love to flourish, find peace, balance and manifest positive energy into… By Briana | June 12th 2020
Raise Your Vibration: How to Release To Expand (video) In this video I detail the ways people can become constricted in their vibration and can’t find the inspiration to create the change they seek in their lives and truly… By Briana | June 12th 2020
Learn Self-Discipline: How To Become Inspired And Motivated To Succeed (video) Learn Self-Discipline | How To Become Inspired and Motivated to Succeed. In this motivational video I give detailed advice on how to be disciplined, find success, inspiration and develop self-control…. By Briana | June 12th 2020
Full Detox: Strengthen Your Intuition and Awaken Your Soul Want to tap into your true potential? Learning how to become more intuitive can be your guidance toward discovering your sacred life and unleashing your inner power. In this video,… By Briana | June 11th 2020
Find Your Spirit Guides- How to Connect To Your Spirit Guides WARNING THIS WILL CHANGE YOU! (video) Are spirit guides real? Can you really receive guidance from beyond? The answer is Yes and Yes! In this video, I lay out 9 practices for connecting to your spirit… By Briana | June 11th 2020
Spiritual Connection Signs: 6 Signs You Have A Strong Spiritual Connection With Someone (video) Do you wonder if your partner and you have a spiritual connection? If so you’re in the right place, by the end of this video, you’ll know! And you’ll have… By Briana | June 11th 2020
Start Your Day in a Sacred Way (video) Wouldn’t it be lovely for each day to feel even more sacred? When we are aligned with our purpose, we tap into the very best of ourselves and of life…. By Briana | June 11th 2020
Looking for Spiritual Growth? 7 Signs You are Going Through an Awakening (video) Once you know these signs and symptoms of spiritual awakening, you’ll be able to align with your path, or nudge yourself back on when you’re a little off. By Briana | June 11th 2020
Spiritual Expansion: 5 Steps To Create Peace And Ease In Your Life THIS WORKS! (video) Do you want to discover the 5 easy steps towards spiritual expansion and awakening? In this video, I explain how to use spirituality as a tool for your awakening and… By Briana | June 11th 2020
Meditation For Anxiety And Stress: 10 Minutes To Transform your Mind, Body, and Soul (video) This anxiety relief meditation will bring a sense of grounded peace back into your life.There has never been a better time to explore the healing power of meditation. This 10… By Briana | June 11th 2020
How To Stay Spiritually Connected During A Crisis (video) Has the coronavirus caused a major shift in your life spiritually? Most of us have been thrown out of our normal daily routines, jobs and in some cases spiritual practice…. By Briana | June 11th 2020