When scarcity consciousness disappears, a massive drain of energy is finally closed and healed. All the attention and resources invested in managing this unsettled feeling are now available to you.

The divine consciousness
That lives through us
Wants us
To revel
In the experience
of abundance

How often do you feel…
“I have everything I need. I’m always taken care of” ?
Not a majority of the time?
Well, at least you’re in good company.
Scarcity consciousness is an old, deep program.
It’s as old as humanity and our deepest fears are wrapped up in it.
- It undermines your ability to trust and expand.
- It makes you feel small and vulnerable.
- Your life becomes all about getting more or not losing what you have.
In such a state, there’s little chance of growing into the exceptional life you were born to live.
If this sounds like you, it’s understandable – and it’s not your fault.
You inherited it. And you can let it go.
Humans have a long history of uncertainty.
We’ve lived through hunger, poverty, loneliness, violence, social rejection, spiritual disconnection, poor health, aging. . . It has taught us to be hypervigilant about running out of resources – i.e., running out of life and what makes life good.
But the result of being wired for scarcity is an untrusting relationship with life that degrades our precious time here.
“Never enough” comes in many forms. You may feel scarcity around money, food, love, attention, energy, beauty, approval, safety, vitality or anything else that helps you feel alive and comfortable.
Scarcity consciousness can be tricky to clear because it activates your survival mechanisms. This animalistic part of your nervous system is designed to override everything else.
When you’re in survival mode, you tend to close your heart. You cling to things that help you feel safer, but no outside factor will fully resolve the internal insecurity.
It’s the opposite of a life guided by love and trust.
I’m here to…
Speak to that part of your heart that has maintained a link to your inner truth.
It’s my honor to empower that inner knowing, to awaken it, to call it forward so it can beging to guide you.
Investing in yourself is a sacred act.
Buy 3 Activation Sessions
*Add Opening to Flow at Checkout for $147
Unlocking Abundance + Awakening the Creator + The Confidence Code
(regularly $441)
Special Offer
Opening to Flow
This powerful 2 hour experience is for humans that want to live their lives with more space, time, and flow. You know that there is something more for you, but while you clench so intensely to control or vacillate between control and collapse, there isn’t an opening for the delight and flow to come through.
We’re going to be working with energy, embodied movement, and breath to release the layers of tightness in which you hold your life. You’ll want to set aside time after the session together to journal and integrate all the magic.
$147 with any bundle*
(Regularly $297)
If you’re like many of my clients, maybe you feel like,
“Can I just not go there?”
I get it. It’s DEEP. It seems scary. It feels yucky.
But as long as you try to cover up that never enough feeling, you’re not getting to the root.
Clearing away the inherited fear and untrue beliefs opens you to a quality of abundance that doesn’t feel like clutching, grasping, or chasing.
It’s a lot like turning on the light in a dark room full of monster-looking things.
Over and over you discover, “This was nothing to be afraid of!”
As each belief and story is released, your nervous system gets more relaxed and your survival mechanisms turn off.
The resulting sense of EASE is what differentiates abundance consciousness from simply acquiring a lot of money or stuff to make yourself feel secure.

I’m Briana Borten,
And I’m a spiritual leader and teacher focused on how our connection to our souls, each other, the Divine, and the earth is the solution.
I see, understand, and can tap into the web of the universe – the unseen energetic field through which we (our human souls, our bodies, and everything on the earth) are all connected.
Humans have lost our awareness of that connection and thus, our place in that web.
I believe if we can reconnect with that intelligence, the problems in our individual lives, as well as our problems as a species (politically, globally, and environmentally) can be solved.

Thank you so much Briana for an amazing experience! When I first signed up, I didn’t know what to expect, maybe some journaling and a few fun exercises to awaken my Creative Goddess within. What I got, was that and so much more.
The journaling exercises allowed me to delve deep and uncover years of emotional and mental wounds, scars and other gunk. Though invisible to the eye, they definitely left their mark. It’s difficult to shine bright and for others to see your Inner Light with so much gunk and emotional scar tissue obscuring it.
The Activation Ceremony at the end provided me an opportunity to not only bring to the surface but to release years of wounds and other crap that had been preventing me from flourishing, from shining my brightest. As one of my other spiritual teachers says all the time: “Whatever comes up, comes up to be healed.” Whew, sooo true!
It wasn’t a pretty process and at times, it was intense, but it was much needed. I just allowed the healing energy and light to flow through me, loosen all the gunk and intentionally released it all to the Divine. It felt like I’d been scraped and scrubbed clean. Although I was a bit drained afterward, I also felt much lighter and freer. The healing and release were exactly what I needed!
This week I directed some of this freed-up creative energy into some work projects. However, I’m looking forward to using even more creative energy this weekend to unleash my Creative Goddess and let her play with some personal creative projects. I’m curious and excited to see where She and this creative shift and opening take me!
With much Love, Light, Gratitude and Reverence,

When I saw Briana was doing a creativity activation, I jumped at the chance to sign up- I knew I had to be there, and now I know why.
Briana was absolutely amazing at leading us through some very deep work, like accepting the parts of us that were insecure and afraid of our own power.
Briana dropped truth-bombs all over the place that were mind expanding and creativity boosting. Her transmission was powerful. Her energy, was vibrant, playful, alive. She also helped me have a completely new view of failure and perfectionism that blew my mind! After the activation, I had a tonne of insights that have really helped me write my book from a perfectionist-free, aligned space. I now feel like I can complete my book with a lot more ecstasy and flow, and a lot less angst! I feel like I have my own unique voice, and the world needs to hear from me.
I 100% recommend this workshop – it has deeply changed my experience with, and view of, creativity, for the better. Thank you Briana for this incredibly important activation, I am deeply grateful.’