Be an embodied prayer for the world you want to create


Connect to your highest self

Get your Sacred Intuition Guide now


Sacred Intuition Guide

This guide is perfect for you if:

  • You feel called to build or deepen your relationship with your sacred intuition
  • You’re ready to tune out the noise and turn up the volume on messages from your highest self
  • You’ve had difficulty trusting these messages in the past
  • You dream of a life of freedom, freedom from cultural and social beliefs and expectations, a life in alignment with your deepest desires

Embody your Sacred Truth

We’ve spent so much of our lives unconsciously driven by ancestral, cultural and societal beliefs that aren’t actually our own, and aspects of our personality that may have once served us, but are no longer relevant to our current way of life. 

Developing your intuition is vitally important because it is the link between your human form and your Highest Self–the one true connection to your core desires, your most sacred truth, and your pure potential. 

Get your Sacred Intuition Guide Now



hi love, I’m so delighted you’re here! I’m a spiritual leader and teacher focused on how our connection to our souls, each other, the Divine, and the earth is the solution. I’m the founder of The Dragontree and I’ve written numerous books (with my sweet husband Peter) including the Dreambook and Planner, Rituals for Transformation, and The Well Life. My greatest passion is doing energy work with people in groups and one on one that open them up and create freedom so their fullest potential can be awakened.


Love Rising Collective

Whether you know it or not you’re looking for it, digging for it, yearning to discover this aspect of you to come through. It’s your own unique spark of divinity. This is what I call ‘essence’. It’s the expression of your inherent gift that the world needs.
Many people don’t believe they have it or know how to find it!

But I can guide you to your hidden treasure.


The day I met with Briana…

I was in a situation that I couldn’t see my way out of. Briana had a way of immediately connecting to and seeing what was blocking me from my highest potential. She named it, gave a metaphor and story to it, and gave me a completely new perspective of my challenge. Afterwards, I was able to see how to shift my own energy and meet another being from a place of love and compassion instead of fear. Briana has a way of bringing light to what is standing in our way, and providing fresh perspective that allows us step beyond our blocks and into our highest self. Briana’s work is profound and moving in a way I had never experienced before. I cannot recommend enough.

Michelle Long

After my session with Briana, I felt incredibly expansive and energized. It was the perfect combination of energetic clearing and healing with practical steps I could take afterward to reap the rewards of the energy work in my actual business and life. We made some clear shifts in the way our company was structured based on the insights I got during the session and I feel so much more peaceful and productive as a result.

Kate Northrup

Working with Briana has narrowed my focus while expanding my creativity and capacity to imagine. That is the work that Briana does — clearing the path for your best and brightest work by tuning in to your energy. Her ability to see what is blocking and stopping my energy has been a powerful force in my life.  The sacred space Briana creates by tuning in to your own wisdom and energy is transformative in its clarity.

Kimberly Pendleton

The Gift of Music

My whole life has been soundtracked by music.

I grew up in a home where melodies were braided into the fabric of every day—my dad was a musician, so rhythm and harmony were as natural as breathing. And now, our home is much the same. Peter strumming his guitar, Sailor singing at the top of her lungs, Phoenix harmonizing without even thinking about it.

Music holds the wildest range—it can be fun and raucous, emotional and heart-wrenching, sacred and sweet. It sets the tone for our lives, moving through us in ways words can’t always reach.

I honestly believe music is one of the most beautiful offerings humans bring to this world.

Lately, I’ve been weaving together a playlist that has been the backdrop to my days—songs that inspire, soothe, and awaken something deep. And I’d love to share it with you.

Click below to get the playlist, and let it soundtrack your life for a little while. 🎶

[Get the Playlist]


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The Dragontree 20th Anniversary Interview

Today is the 20th anniversary of The Dragontree!! When I was 22 and writing the business plan on Business Plan Pro in my studio apartment I had no idea that we would end up here.

My vision at that time wasn’t to create a International Wellness brand - it was to create a sanctuary in Portland and make enough money that I could stop belly dancing at night and eating the cranberries out of the cranberry orange tea for lunch lol.

I can't even put into words how grateful I am. It's been an incredible journey of healing, growth, and transformation that’s given me the opportunity to meet so many beautiful human beings, learn about myself in a deep and profound way, and learn how to surrender and engage like everything depended on it.

It’s crazy to me to have written a mission statement in my journal when I couldn’t even rent a car that still means so much to me and our team, that we turn to again and again to guide our way.

I think about the paper schedule we would book our appointments in and I have such fondness for that way.

I still get excited when I hear the phone ring at the spas. I feel thrilled when I see someone using our Dreambook to create their lives.

When our neighbor tells us that Rituals for Transformation has changed her life - I can hardly believe how lucky we are to do this work.

My heart bursts when I see priestesses and magic makers out there using our candle in their ceremonies.

It’s all just mind blowing honestly. And all of the people (you!) that have been there, supporting us, engaging with the work, and really choosing this lifestyle - will always have my heart.

PS. The video above is one that Peter and I made about these last 20 years... if you want to see more of our adorable/dorky convo. :)

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The Basics of How to Build a Business Strategy

Hey there!

I know talking about business can feel…prickly. In last week’s YouTube video, I talked about how to start strategizing for your business by grounding yourself energetically. 

This week I want to move into the two biggest questions I get when it comes to creating structure for my business. 

I know putting attention on how you run your business can be humbling, but know that I see you and I’m here for you. You can do this!

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highest self.

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